Opening times

Deutsche Version a-z Tübingen University Library

Please check for changes in opening times under "Latest News ".

Library campus Wilhelmstrasse

Access to all catalogues Mo-Fr 8.00-20.00h + Sa 8.00-16.00h
Audio/Visual Area Mo-Fr 12.30-16.00h
Collection of Graphic Arts Wed 10.00-12.00 + 14.00-17.00h and by appointment
General and 'Technical' Reading Room Mo-Fr 9.00-20.00h + Sa 9.00-16.00h
Historical Reading Room Mo-Fr 9.00-18.00h (closed on Saturdays)
Info Centre (incl. Bibliographical reference area) Mo-Fr 9.00-20.00h + Sa 9.00-16.00h (Staff available Mo-Fr 9.00-16.30h)
Info Desk Mo-Fr 9.00-17.30h
Issue Desk Mo-Fr 9.00-16.30h 1)
Open Access Area (Freihandmagazin) Mo-Fr 9.00-16.30h 1)
Online Database services Mo-Fr 14.00-16.00h and by appointment
Periodical Reading Room Mo-Fr 9.00-20.00h + Sa 9.00-16.00h
Photocopying Department Mo-Fr 9.00-12.00h
Text book collection Mo-Fr 9.00-16.30h 1)
University Archives Mo-Fr 9.00-12.00h + 13.30-16.00h


Branch library Natural Sciences

Issue desk Mo-Fr 9.00-17.00h 2)
Reading Room Mo-Fr 9.00-17.00h 2)
Text book collection Mo-Fr 9.00-17.00h 2)


Every spring the library is closed for 1 week. Please check under "Latest News "
1) in August, September lunch break 12.30-13.30h
2) - 16.30 during holidays

Web-Team - 16.07.97